Accent Training
(Softening + Reduction)
Every accent is beautiful in its own right, as our vocal anatomy is shaped to speak our mother tongue fluently and eloquently.

There are many different ways of learning both British & American English accents - the most important thing we stress is that, learning a new accent does not mean you have to give up your identity.

Our method in accent modification requires you to be open to explore the vast array of different vowel shifts, consonant sounds, rhythm, intonation and both syllable stresses and lengths.

We do not have a "one size fits all" rule in accent training and our holistic approach allows you to choose what is right for you, which we believe is the most important aspect of every individual's personal development. As such, you and your coach may decide that your training encompasses a combination of elements from different SLVC services and courses.
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Our Accent Training Curriculum
In our accent training programme, you will have the opportunity to:
• Explore the sounds of British and North American English

• British Received Pronunciation (RP), BBC English, Standard British Accent

• North American Standard Accents - General American, General Canadian

• Notice and understand the habits from your native language(s)/accent

• Work on: vowels, consonants, rhythm, intonation, syllable stress, syllable length, prosody, proprioeption and more!

• Create a personalised system for your own practice and improvement
“Every accent is beautiful in its own right - the most important thing we stress is that, learning a new accent does not mean you have to give up your identity.”
© 2023 by SLVC Voice Training in London